Monday, December 3, 2007


Okay, so I have a TON of flour and frosting on my shirt. Why? Bc today was my oldest bro's 20th b-day. Yeah, I honestly can't believe he's 20. Amazing stuff. But really, it's hillarious bc what I'm wearing right now does NOT match the homebody-flour-type girl look. Okay, so I'm wearing all black. A black see-through jersey sort of dress shirt with a white longsleeve shirt underneath and black jeans with jewels on the back pockets. Oh yeah, and black earrings and my black necklace. And I tried the "smoky-eyed" know, the black eyeliner with gray eyeshadow. And the flour right in the middle of my shirt. Very emo/punk. All the way,LOL. So yeah. Today was pretty busy. I had a dentist appointment. I thought that maybe my wisdom teeth were starting to grow in. But no, the dentist informed me that my 12-year-old molars might be JUST starting to grow. Yay for me.....the short little late-bloomer. No wonder I look like I'm twelve. I DON'T EVEN HAVE IN MY PERMANENT MOLARS! Other than that, I really don't have much to complain about. Today was an awesome day. And so was yesterday. I went to a party that a girl from my youth group was hosting at her house. It was pretty fun. Anyway, NM else to write about. Later,


Sola Gratia said...

LOL "You know, the black eyeliner." Rachel, considering that almost everyone who reads this is me, Abe, Adam, and Andrew, I don't think we do know. Liz doesn't count ;)

pianochick_92 said...

LOL, okay's like a colored pencil...sorta. Except you draw a line under your eyes....(and in some cases like mine, on the top of your eyelid). But I'm not quite so sure that I can pull off that mom said it looked "cute"...but that's half of the problem. You can't be a "cute" punk/emo person,LOL.

madscientist said...

lol, i actually DO know what eyeliner is, cause i used it in our movie to get the evil look. I shadowed my eyes so it looked like i had HUGE dark circles and the effect was great!! lol, so yeah, i know a LITTLE about that kinda stuff...

pianochick_92 said...

LOL, okay, so I imagine Adam prbly knows too then.....Mos, looks like you're the odd man out,LOL.

lizz said...

I can relate to the molar thing. I didn't get mine till who knows when.

pianochick_92 said...

LOL, really?