Friday, December 7, 2007

IDK what to write....

Okay, so I played piano for a coffee shop today. It didn't go so hot. But oh well.....besides that, I'm taking the P-ACT, aka The PLAN. I'm not so nervous about that though bc I know that there aren't any scholarships involved so....yeah. And then I play for this shop called Imaging World's open house right afterwards (it's a shop in River Falls). And on Sunday I'm playing at a nursing home.....and....okay, I really can't think right now. Later,


madscientist said...

you have quite a life...i do school, go to work, come home, and go on MSN....B-O-R-I-N-G!

pianochick_92 said...

LOL, probably have a better social life,LOL.....I'm busy but outside of facebook, I have absolutely no social life,LOL.

lizz said...

WHat is MSN. I know I am out of it.

madscientist said...

Uh, no. My social life, excuse the term, SUCKS! i dont do anything besides school and work, and the only people i talk to on a reg basis are the peeps at work, who are terrible influences anyway...dont get me ranting! mom and dad and i had a "discussion" about this topic for three and a half hours the ohter night...if u want the whole story, which u prolly dont....well, nvm. AGH HOW DID U GET ME STARTED?!?! lol...i think...oh and MSN is a program that lets u chat with other people online that are added to ur contacts. if u want more info, just ask here....but im tired now...