Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ugh...allergies SUCK

Okay, so yesterday, Josh and I finished MOST (but not all) of the baking that we wanted to. Well, yesterday evening, I was REALLY hungry between lunch and dinner, so despite me telling myself that I would only eat ONE cookie...I ended up eating five (I know, that's like the closest I think I've ever been to binge-eating,LOL). Yes, I knew that they had flour in them.It was almost as if I was saying, "More wheat for me, PLEASE!" Then during dinner, I broke out AGAIN....and as me and my fam were watching "It's a Wonderful Life", I got REALLY nauseated. And that lasted until, I ended up yelling at my mom (as if it was her fault) and....yeah, it was miserable. I woke up with a burning throat. So today has been another "no-wheat" day. AGH! Anyway......I just got back from playing at the nursing home. It was rly good, except I had one awkward moment where this elderly lady was standing to the side of me staring at me, so I just quickly turned and smiled....and she walked away. It was REALLY awkward,LOL. But I'm SO HAPPY that I'll NEVER have to hear myself play those ANNOYING songs AGAIN...until next year,LOL.So yeah. Anyway....more about the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". So I FINALLY understood the whole plot, and I actually became very thankful for life in general. I mean, like pretty much every1, I have my down moments where I wonder like what's the point of life. I'm quickly reminded that it's to honor and glorify Christ, but at the same time, I feel like I'm not rly needed in the world, ya know? Like...I just wonder sometimes if like if I died, would anyone even care? Or like if I wasn't ever born, would it make THAT big of a difference? But the end of the movie seemed to answer it all for me. It was almost chilling it moved me SO MUCH. Now, I absolutely LOVE that movie. Anyway...I'm gonna go see if there are any good Christmas movies on tonight. Oh, one more thing. It seems SO ODD to me that at this time of the year, there aren't too many Christmas movies on! Like I turned on HBO a couple of nights ago, and there were a bunch of PG-13 and R movies....anyway, k, I'm stepping off of my soapbox,LOL. Later,


madscientist said...

I know EXACTLY how u feel...about the questioning stuff. iv had a LOT of the same kind of thoughts. But ya just gotta remember that "Man's cheif and higest end is to glorify God and to fully enjoy Him forever." -Westminster Larger Chatechizm

pianochick_92 said...

Thanks for sharing that's good to know that I'm not the only person in the world who feels like that...

Anonymous said...

yeah It's a Wonderful Life is like one of my all time favorite movies.