Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year, and....No wheat for me, PLEASE! (and pretty please, don't ask if I want anything that has wheat in it)

So, as you all know, (I THINK you all know), the past couple of days I've been avoiding wheat. My mom and I went shopping for some specifically "gluten-free" snacks and bread and....yeah, all that rock-hard stuff. But I'm thankful that at lesat we FOUND stuff that I can eat. Especially Luna bars. Gosh, those things are heavenly. What's been the hardest in all of this stuff for me is when my brothers ask me, "Hey Rachel, you want some of this?" forgetting that it's not that I don't WANT any, but I can't HAVE any. Or like yesterday, my mom was like, "Rachel, why don't you go get a doughnut?" forgetting that I CAN'T have one. Or like today, we went over to someone's house, and even though I brought my own home-made gluten-free pizza, they forgot I couldn't eat anything with wheat in it. So of course, they're all like, "Rachel, don't you want anything else?" and then a quick response of, "Oh, sorry. I forgot." and then a switch of subjects to, "Yeah, my kids just don't know when to stop eating. They'll eat and eat and eat until you tell them to stop." And then my aunt telling my mom I look sick, frail, and terribly thin. And....I guess my first impulse is is a heartless and disrespectful, "SHUT UP!! I CAN'T HAVE ANY! AND I LOOK FINE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" I have a feeling that MAYBE the Lord is trying to teach me to have ALOT of patience and graciousness with people (which I used to think was pretty easy....that is USED to). And maybe a bit of self-control. I mean, sure I could have self-control when I could have anything I wanted to (maybe even to an extreme degree), but during the past week, I've had urges (and okay, I've given in) to eat things that are "banned", only to break out like crazy and start to get a really severe reaction afterwards. So yeah. Maybe I AM learning something through all of this. Besides just getting bitter, frustrated, and depressed. Anyway....yeah, today my fam went over to some friends' house (the same fam we had over 4 Christmas) and while we were painting nails, their daughters mentioned Jamie Lynn Spears' pregnancy. And it really hit me hard, like, what type of a society have we turned into where you have an eight-year-old wondering about these things?! Like, I didn't even THINK about those things until maybe a year or two ago (or okay, probably until camp this summer when it was just all surrounding me like crazy). And there's this 8-year-old wondering about this stuff. It's SO sad. Anyway, this is getting really long, so...I'll stop typing,LOL. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Later,

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