Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oh crap.....

Sigh. One of my beloved camp friends told me that you actually LOSE points (yeah, the quarter of a point I was talking about) if you fill in the wrong answer. So like, you don't get any points for the wrong answer plus you lose 1/4 of a point. Sigh. Now I feel like a TOTAL loser. Oh gosh.....sigh. But hey, there's always that twenty-percent chance that I chose the CORRECT answer.....(yes, I will still be an optimist....). Now I will drown in my shocking sorrow.......*sniffle sniffle*. Later,


Your Conscience said...

lol... lets just keep being optomistic... it cant be all that bad. remember that this was only the PRE psat... lol

pianochick_92 said...

yeah, yeah.....true.....but like, this is where you get like the national merit scholarships from!! Sigh. Oh is about more important things than school.......

Sola Gratia said...

Adam: you spelled "optimistic" wrong. Is this a bad omen?

Your Conscience said...

yea... it probably is a bad omen... lol

lizz said...

You are so right life is about way more than just school. Although, good grades do help alot;)

Your Conscience said...

Amen to that, Liz.

Peacefinger said...

I updated my blog. And who told you life is about more important things than school! I thought the Teacher's Union hushed all that up!

Your Conscience said...

life is DEFINATELY about more than school, and if it isnt, than i would have commited suicide long ago. lol jk

Anonymous said...

darn it, now you got me nervous about the dumb sats!

madscientist said...

u'll do fine! and you did, Rachel! stop worrying, its all in God's hands!

pianochick_92 said...

Yeah, Andrew ur right...