Thursday, April 30, 2009


Lately I've been in this mood of not wanting to do anything. I don't wanna practice piano. I don't wanna compose. I don't wanna do my homework. I don't really even want to sleep. I get on the computer, but there's not much to do, so it's boring. T.v. is limited to weekends except for American Idol (good thing too, otherwise I'd probably be watching that all evening...). I sorta feel like I'm getting spring fever. And I also have a lot going on. I am going to Westminster choir college this fall (Praise the Lord!) and I'm really excited about that. But I'm also sorta nervous....and I know if I'm all shy at the beginning, I won't have any friends the whole year,lol. So I'm definitely going to be praying about that. But I have mixed feelings. I'm SUPER excited, because I'll hopefully have a friend from Eastman as my roommate, plus it'll be awesome to go to a different part of the country (and to be somewhere that's not in the in with cows and all,lol), and from what I've heard about Westminster, I'll get a lot of performing opportunities in New York City and Philadelphia since it's only an hour away from each city. Plus, since it's a choir college, I'll have choir practice every day (and the choirs tour! The sophomore, junior, and senior choirs actually tour in Europe!!!!),voice classes (and a few weeks ago when my dad heard me sing, he told me,"Rach, I hate to say it at this point and all....but I feel like that's your calling"), so the Lord knows what might come out of that. Yet, I'm also going to miss home. I mean, of course I'm excited about being a little "independent" and stuff, but I will miss my parents. And of course, I will REALLY miss Samson (too bad I can't carry him to college....guess I'll have to get a turtle....). And like yesterday was the last choir meeting/rehearsal at UWRF, and I got a little bit sad. I mean, I'm not really that close to anyone there, but I've gotten to know a few people, and I'm sorta sad to think that my time there is coming to a close. I mean, I'm definitely thankful I'm going to Westminster, but I will miss some of the people at UWRF. And then I got some mailings about ordering dorm bedding/towels/whatev (not like I'll get them....I wanna get some funky colored bedding :p). But it's like....weird. Because it just seems like time goes by SO QUICKLY. I mean, I remember when I was like 6, and my brothers and I were in a sled at our house in Clearwater, and my oldest brother (who was 11)said, "Wow. Time goes by really quickly." I argued a bit, but he was like, "Well, maybe not for you yet Rachel, but you'll see when you get older",lol, as if he could talk, right? :p But it's so true. Like David said, life really is like a breath, or a vapor. It's here for a moment, and then it's gone. And really, all that matters is eternity. And I know that if it seems like my short 16 years have gone by quickly, the rest of my life will zoom by. Anyway, I have a song to share in this post that has been really encouraging to me. He's Always Been Thankful by Sarah Groves-


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