Monday, May 12, 2008

It's ALLLL good.....

Well, on Friday, Josh came home, so now I'm happy. Because I REALLY enjoy having Josh around. And it's really cool because it's like now that he's like been gone to college and coming back, I'm not so awkward when he comes home. Like the first time he came home, I was acting like he was a guest or somthing which was REALLY awkward. But anyway....then on Saturday, I had an awesome day at home. Which was weird. Because usually, I go places to do stuff with friends because I don't think that I can find anything to do at home. But regardless, I had fun. Yesterday was pretty awesome too. We had company over (although I admit, I feel bad because I TOTALLY forgot to get my mom a mother's day gift until Saturday, and then told her that I wanted to get one, but she said that it wouldn't be worth the gas so....ah well). And the company was fun. I tried spotting one of the girls on her backhandspring, but...well, it didn't turn out too great. See, I have like NO arm strength whatsoever, and she had never done one before. Sooo.....I ended up straining my arms (mainly my right arm) to flip her over. And even once I flipped her over, her arms collapsed. But oh well. Now I'm stuck with a sore arm. And I need to practice. So I better get off. Later,


Peacefinger said...

Well. I'm not sure what to comment on this particular post, but I guess I'll say I like that "Toccata" song. For something completely different (as Monty Python would say) check out the Hendrix vid on my blog. Which piece would be harder to play, do you think?

Sola Gratia said...

Wow. I kinda missed out. Sorry, Rach, LOL. Well, that's cool! TTYL