Thursday, November 6, 2008

The election

Okay, I'm a day late, but still...the effects of the election will last at least four years, so....I'm still gonna write my thoughts on it. So I found out that Obama won by getting a text message from a friend who lives at a military academy (so he doesn't get any tv or internet....)in the middle of the night Tuesday night and he had heard rumors that Obama won, but he texted me to find out for sure. So I opened that text in the morning yesterday and listened to 100.3 and the announcer was like "Yes, the earth is still spinning on its axis even though Barack Obama has won the election." I was a bit dissapointed, but I didn't feel like "OH NO! THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD!" or anything like that. I guess I just realize first off that God is still God, regardless of who wins the election. I also realize that as a nation, America has rejected God. Psalm 33:12 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord", and I believe that the converse of that statement can also be assumed true. Anything that comes upon this nation that we would consider bad or unfortunate is totally deserved. Judgement is long overdue. However, the Lord may or may not choose to use Obama as a tool for His judgement. Perhaps He has a plan to work through Obama for the better. And really, our lives are a bit like chess in the sense that we are all pawns for God's purposes. He will win the spiritual battle in the end, and regardless of who is president, His purposes will be established. And ultimately, this world is going to end. Our goal as believers isn't to fret about who is president, but to get the good news of God's salvation out, to share it with others, to live lives that reflect Christ and His goodness and grace before He comes back for us. So in the end, it doesn't matter whether the US crashes and burns in the next four years or if it crashes and burns with the rest of the world in the far future. I guess to sum this whole post up, to use my dad's terms, it really isn't about who's in the white house, it's all about Who is on the throne. Later,


savedbyHisgrace11 said...

Amen :) Well put...well put indeed...

lizz said...

My feelings exactly

Anonymous said...

Amen! I like that quote from your dad.