Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas! (okay, I'm sorta late.....)

Anyway, Christmas was great. Yesterday went really well. My family read the Christmas Story from Luke like we always do....and then we opened the gifts. My brothers liked the quilts, so I was happy about that. And my parents liked their gifts too. So I was happy about that too,LOL. And I'll just list everything I got. Kay: A hot chocolate kit thingymabob shaped in a cone (you know, layers of hot chocolate mix, marshmallows, and chocolate chips), a dog purse (I know, VERY unique..and I LOVE it!) a blender, a beanie hat, a couple of pairs of gloves, a pair of baby phat jeans with a matching shirt, a sweat suit, a few personal things, a picture frame, shoes, and last but DEFINATELY not least, a diamond ring! So yeah. And then we had company over...and I felt really bad because here I was trying to be somewhat of a "mentor" or example for two girls (8 & 11 year-olds) and..okay, I'll just explain. So these girls' parents don't let them wear really dark or really bright nail polish, so I tried to convince them that "really dark and really bright colors are bad". The youngest wouldn't buy that. She saw my nails, which have nail polish on them that's so dark, it's like almost black. So as I was trying to convince her that this mail polish that sorta blended in with her skin was "really pretty", she was like, "I can't see it! I like that color (pointing to my nails). Do you have any more of THAT color?" I was like, "Um....not alot." Talk about feeling like a hypocrite. And then the 11-year old was talking about clothes and stuff and...okay, obviously if you have on a sweatshirt, you can give a big speech about how the fashion industry is SO BAD and look like you're SO MODEST. Yeah, I felt like a REAL hypocrite sorta. Sigh. Tisk tisk to me. And then I ended up staying up until midnight. And this morning I chopped 3 pairs of pants because I'm just sick of them all being so long. And...yeah. So anyway, all in all Christmas was pretty good. So... do any of you guys have special New Year's resolutions? Later,

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ugh...allergies SUCK

Okay, so yesterday, Josh and I finished MOST (but not all) of the baking that we wanted to. Well, yesterday evening, I was REALLY hungry between lunch and dinner, so despite me telling myself that I would only eat ONE cookie...I ended up eating five (I know, that's like the closest I think I've ever been to binge-eating,LOL). Yes, I knew that they had flour in them.It was almost as if I was saying, "More wheat for me, PLEASE!" Then during dinner, I broke out AGAIN....and as me and my fam were watching "It's a Wonderful Life", I got REALLY nauseated. And that lasted until, I ended up yelling at my mom (as if it was her fault) and....yeah, it was miserable. I woke up with a burning throat. So today has been another "no-wheat" day. AGH! Anyway......I just got back from playing at the nursing home. It was rly good, except I had one awkward moment where this elderly lady was standing to the side of me staring at me, so I just quickly turned and smiled....and she walked away. It was REALLY awkward,LOL. But I'm SO HAPPY that I'll NEVER have to hear myself play those ANNOYING songs AGAIN...until next year,LOL.So yeah. Anyway....more about the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". So I FINALLY understood the whole plot, and I actually became very thankful for life in general. I mean, like pretty much every1, I have my down moments where I wonder like what's the point of life. I'm quickly reminded that it's to honor and glorify Christ, but at the same time, I feel like I'm not rly needed in the world, ya know? Like...I just wonder sometimes if like if I died, would anyone even care? Or like if I wasn't ever born, would it make THAT big of a difference? But the end of the movie seemed to answer it all for me. It was almost chilling it moved me SO MUCH. Now, I absolutely LOVE that movie. Anyway...I'm gonna go see if there are any good Christmas movies on tonight. Oh, one more thing. It seems SO ODD to me that at this time of the year, there aren't too many Christmas movies on! Like I turned on HBO a couple of nights ago, and there were a bunch of PG-13 and R movies....anyway, k, I'm stepping off of my soapbox,LOL. Later,

Friday, December 21, 2007

Busy busy busy...

Yesterday was EXTREMELY busy. I was awoken by my mom at 9:30 a.m....and grumpy too...until she told me that I had to leave the house in an hour (which I didn't know....I thought that I played at the hospital today....). So I played there for two hours, came home for an hour, left to go shopping with my mom again (window shopping, that is) and then rushed to the library (yes, I ended up skipping fact all I'd eaten was a bagel and a piece of pizza all day...told ya I was busy,LOL) at 6:40 to figure out which order I'd play the songs in at the coffee house....I left the library at 6:54, in just enough time to get to the coffee house at EXACTLY 7:00, on the mark. A bunch of people came, surprisingly. It was really neat too, because like everyone that came came to hear me, and one piano teacher had just had a piano recital and brought all of her students to come hear me! I thought that was pretty neat. Then today, Josh and I have had some major time fun. We've started our Christmas baking (even though Josh couldn't figure out why in the world I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies bc they aren't Christmassy). And me and Josh just got done goofing off with the piano and singing a sorta rock/screaming randition of "All I Ask of You" from the phantom of the fun. I'm rly glad he's home, although I just realized that I only have 3 more days to finish his quilt. And I'm only like 1/3 of the way done! AGH! Plus I need to practice piano...I play at another coffee house at 7 tonight. Sigh. I love it though. Later,

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

After four and a half hours of sleep....

I am still alive. Yes, I was going to go to bed at nine knowing. Then it delayed to like 10. Then eleven.....then I got stuck in the middle of reading this book called "Burnt Orange" by Melody's really interesting...I ALWAYS get addicted to those books. Anyway, so I ended up falling asleep at about 1:30 and my mom woke me up at around 5:45. We went early-bird shopping. It was pretty fun....but I hafta admit I was dissapointed in myself...I mean, okay, I went thinking that I'd spend like all of my money on getting my dad a really nice Christmas gift (and okay, his gift was pretty nice....a pair of cross-training that a cool gift for a dad?) And so after going to three stores, finally I just gave up looking for a gift for him (okay, so I gave up after the first five minutes at the first store....oops...?) and decided to search out clothes for myself. I know, how selfish. I'm a lil grinch. So...I ended up spending part of my money on myself. And I kept thinking about how I'm SUPPOSED to be a cheerful giver.....and to a degree I am, but I couldn't believe how sidetracked I got looking at stuff for MYSELF. I mean, I bet I spent like at LEAST half of the time looking for stuff for me. But hey, I got my mom another gift (a first one was a pair of white gold earrings...brownie points please?). So anyway, I ended up getting the rest of my Christmas shopping done and getting a couple pairs of shorts and a REALLY cute pair of sandals too. Then my piano teacher DID come over today. It was sorta awkward though. Okay, REALLY awkward. She finished the lesson that she couldn't complete on Monday's just awkward having parents there listening to the lesson,LOL. Anyway, there isn't much else to write about...OH! I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to wheat bc after eating spaghetti for lunch today, I broke out AGAIN (wheat is in the noodles...).Sigh. K, Later,

Monday, December 17, 2007

Why was I NOT more thankful?

Well, I'm pretty sad right now. I think that I'm allergic to wheat. Although I haven't been tested for it, I seem to get an allergic reaction sometimes when I eat it. And I have to admit, lately, I've been REALLY lacking on my thankfulness for food. REALLY lacking. And now, if I really AM allergic to wheat, well, I won't be able to eat alot of different foods. Which will really suck. Sigh.Immediately, I thought of the passage where the Lord tells Peter to eat a bunch of the "prohibited" foods. Peter is disgusted and doesn't want to eat thos foods. And...that's so like me sometimes. Sigh. So tomorrow, I'm going to have to try to endure a full day with no wheat. I mean, it didn't seem like that big of a deal when I was sorta avoiding eating it anyway....but now if I CAN'T have it, I'll be pretty bummed. Sigh. Oh well. Gotta go. Later,

Friday, December 14, 2007

okay, last post was B-O-R-I-N-G (sorta like this one,LOL)

Well, I've been busy for the past couple of days (a very good busy). Yesterday I played at the hospital (AND met the anonymous guy who sent me a Thank You card...he's really nice) and got offered a job as a piano teacher (which my mom turned down...:( ) . After that, my mom and I came home in just enough time for me to get in an argument with her (I claimed the shirt I was wearing was too big and I wanted to switch...) and finally we settled on my rabbit fur jacket. Then we went to my recital with the St. Paul Conservatory. The vocalist (also a vocal teacher)that I was accompanying with the recorder sang just gorgeously! I mean, I'm a soprano, but she actually has VOLUME unlike me.....LOL. Then I went to Wal-Mart and got mad becuase I had to jump to reach this "Welcome Home" balloon for Josh on the top shelf, and there was this guy in the isle and when I said "Excuse me," and jumped up, he laughed. SO MEAN,LOL. And then I found out that having three guys under the age of 20 for cashiers help me night doesn't exactly work too well....Anyway, I'm pretty tired. Later,

Monday, December 10, 2007


Well, today has been okay. I guess. Other than dealing with this lame headache and getting a needle stuck in my hand while I was quilting. Sigh. But hey, I'm almost done with my brother's quilts....(I hope that they don't know about this blog...I'd cry if they found out before CHristmas that I made them quilts,LOL). So yeah. Piano lessons went well. Anyway, I am writing a story for a scholarship. I just started it last night (at like midnight,LOL) and I just wanna know what you guys think. I'll post like the first page. Later,

“Number 5879401, may I please take your order?” Groan. Excuse me, but I was actually born with a NAME. When I look at my birth certificate, I see a NAME. Not when I look at my I.T., also known as my identification tracker. No, when I look on that card, there is simply a number and my thumbprint under my picture. Whatever.
“Yeah, Hi, I’ll take the.....whatever the fish combos USED to be called.” After ten years of this stupid electronic waiter-service, you’d think I’d have this down. Sigh. “You mean, KF729? Correct? Please say ‘YES’, or ‘NO’.” Sigh. Times have changed so dramatically in the past ten years. “Ummm....I don’t really know. Fish combo?” “Sorry, I could not understand your request. You mean, V831? Correct? Please say ‘YES’, or ‘NO’.” Ugh! Like seriously, WHY do robots and computers do EVERYTHING nowadays? I want REAL customer service with REAL people helping me. Can I make THAT my order?
“Yeah, give me the stupid V831.” “Sorry, I still could not understand your request. Please repeat your request.” What the heck? I still could not understand YOUR MOM. Give me a break. “Yes, V831.” “Please fly ahead. Thank you for stopping at Marci’s Metallic Meals.” Sigh. FLYING ahead. And yes, these meals TASTE metallic just like the name of the restaurant says. And ugh! This is VEGAN?! I HATE VEGAN STUFF! If only I could get my hands on whoever had the “bright” idea to replace meat with soy because it’s “leaner”, they’d wish they would’ve never been born. Obviously it’s lean! I mean, no duh! Like seriously, ANY plant will be leaner than meat. It’s ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. So who am I to be complaining so much? I am Latanya Korentine, also known as number 5879401. I am sort of “grounded” by the government. Okay, I’m not grounded in the sense that I can only stay on the ground. No, I can still fly my air shuttle legally. But for the next three years, I will not receive any of the top-secret information that the government has. Or at least the new information that those who work
for the government like I used to have. So why did I get fired? Well, according to the law (or government, because they’ve decided to throw out the law, claiming that it is too “old-fashioned” just like religion....not realizing that they’ve created their own religion by throwing out religion), I am a criminal. My crime? I don’t think like everybody else. I don’t act like everybody else. My biggest crime? I think that what the government is doing is wrong, Of course, they can NEVER be wrong. They just twist the law in whatever way they want to. And if that doesn’t work, they say that it doesn’t mean what it says. Like that makes sense? Nu-uh. I am NOT dumb. If a package of pens says that the pens are royal blue, it better mean what it says. If I pull a red pen out of that package, I’m getting my money back. If a sign says, “DANGER: RADIATION”, I will say that the sign means what it ways. I will not go into the radiation area to see what happens to me. To see if the sign means what it says. Again, I am NOT dumb. The law means what it says. Or at least it DID when the Constitution was signed. Although I’m not sure now that ANYTHING means what is says. Or for that matter, if ANYONE means what they say.

Friday, December 7, 2007

IDK what to write....

Okay, so I played piano for a coffee shop today. It didn't go so hot. But oh well.....besides that, I'm taking the P-ACT, aka The PLAN. I'm not so nervous about that though bc I know that there aren't any scholarships involved so....yeah. And then I play for this shop called Imaging World's open house right afterwards (it's a shop in River Falls). And on Sunday I'm playing at a nursing home.....and....okay, I really can't think right now. Later,

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I'm about to write out my English assignment...which write a couple of journal entries and "publish" them. I'm supposed to have friends critique my lack of skills,LOL. It took me a while to find appropriate entries,LOL, (and I'm gonna edit one of the names,LOL, but here they are ....Okay, here goes nothing.

Dear Diary, 11-14-07
Today is my birthday. Yup, I'm fifteen. Wow. Nope, I don't feel any different. But, I must admit, mom and dad made today a pretty awesome day for me. Okay, so first, I woke up, got showered & dressed, blah blah. THEN, I went to Target an got my pictures taken! It was fun. Then, HUGE surprise. Mom & dad took me to Schmitt music to pick out a piano! Yes, they did! I still can't believe it. Honestly, I don't think I even will until I'm playing on that grand piano daily! See, they started driving past Hudson. So then I thought that we were going shopping in Woodbury. We drove past Woodbury. Then I thought that maybe we were going to the Mall of America. Nope, we passed 494. Then I thought that we might be going to the mall in White Bear Lake. We passed that exit. Then I thought that maybe we were going to the Roseville mall. In fact, I was positive. Then we drove past that exit. Then I thought that MAYBE we were going to the Albertville mall. But we got off at the Brooklyn Park exit. So then I figured we were going to Schmitt music, but that didn't totally make sense to me because mom asked me what we were going to do for my birthday since the piano thing wouldn't work out. So, we went. And after mom and dad consulted with my piano teacher, they concluded that they would get a six-foot seven-inch Kawai. So yeah. Then we came home and had pepper steak with rice, and my chocolate ice-cream cake and watched ratatouille. Aaron bought me a robe (which was $40.00....he left the price tag on,LOL). I got a TON of Happy Birthday wishes from friends on my facebook. Sigh. Josh said I'm officially a teenager in his book and apparently sent me a gift in the mail which is REALLY kind. I must admit, I have a great family that I wouldn't trade for 1,000 friends. I love my family. I'm tired. So, tonight, I'll sleep with my stuffed dog Rags & sleep with a nightlight like I have for the last 8 years. This has been a GREAT birthday. Thank the Lord for another year to live without serious health ailments. Thi has been such a wonderful day. Happy Birthday to me! Later,

Dear Diary, Tuesday, 12-4-07

I know, I know. I haven't written since Saturday! How can I survive? Well, the past three days (specifically today) have been oddly wonderful. Or rather eventful. Okay, first off Sunday. I DID end up going to Lavitia's party! Yay! It was sorta awkward though. First off, Lavitia's mom asked my mom to chop onions. I mean, seriously, who does that? Secondly, Lavitia's mom forgot to go buy pop. So she asked mom to run to the store with Laura to get it. Again, like seriously, who does that? If you don't have it, you just forget about it. Finally, her mom flew out her best friends from Florida. Yeah, I would say it again, but you get my point. AWKWARD! Okay, then yesterday. Dr. Whopaskot is going to sign me up for the competition. She thinks I'll have a good chance of doing well. And of course Aaron's birthday was yesterday. I bought him a hair clipper set. And then today....oh gosh. Okay, so you know how mom and dad get all freaked out about leaving me home alone? Well, now I can see why. Kay, so first off, as I'm practicing piano, Aaron calls. The phone rings once and stops. I HATE it when that happens. Especially when I'm home alone. So I called him back, and he hung up right away. So I was sorta freaked. Then, I start playing the piano again. Now, this mad man starts ringing the doorbell. I don't answer. He rings it again. I still don't answer and I actually stop practicing piano. Then he actually pounds on the door. Then I sneak into the pantry and hide in there for about 5 minutes. After he continues to pound on the door, I get the courage (and DEFINATELY courage from the Lord) to go into the kitchen and grab the phone. I called mom and as soon as I called her, this crazy man yells, "Open the door!" and something else too mumbled for me to hear. So I hang up and run in the basement (which is odd since I used to be freaked about the basement). I hid in a little corner and called mom again. I told her what was going on and she told me to call 911. So I did. The dispatcher was really nice. As soon as he said hello, I was like, "Hi, I'm a 15 year old and I'm home alone and there's a man....I think it's a man...pounding on the front door and I'm really scared." He asked for the address, homw phone (which he probably already had), my full name and date of birthday. Then he repeatedly told me not to lose him and tried to have a common friendly conversation with me. I ended up linking a 3-way phone call with him & dad. So the sheriff came, and he was REALLY nice. And long storry short, after the wobbly knees and prayers, I'm alright. Well, I'm pretty tired. Later,

Okay, I'm done. :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

My VERY exciting life...

Yes, today was another very exciting day. Not necessarily in a good way though,LOL. Okay, so my parents are ALWAYS really nervous about leaving me home by myself. And last night, they really wanted me to go with them and I was like, "Seriously, I'll be fine mom and dad. I'm 15 years old and perfectly capable of staying home by myself." So what happens? Well, first off my brother called and the phone rang once and stopped. I HATE it when that happens. I tried calling him back, but the call didn't go through. So I went back to practicing piano....and started playing this really gloomy piece (Chopin's Nocturne in E minor....IDK why..... Then the doorbell rings. I didn't answer it. It rang again. I didn't answer. Then the mad man started pounding on the door. I didn't answer. In fact, I hid in the pantry, figuring he'd stop banging the door down. But no, it continued for another 5 minutes. Finally, I ran into the kitchen, picked up the phone, dialed my mom. Then he actually yelled, "Open the door!" and something else sorta mumbly. So I hung up on my mom, and ran and hid in the basement shaking from fear. I called my mom again, told her some man was banging on the door, and she told me to call 911. So I did, for the first time in my life. The dispatcher was really nice. He tried to keep me calmed down and stuff and asked a bunch of info. Then my dad called and I did a 3-way call with him, the dispatcher, and I. My dad was out of town too, so apparently my mom called him all freaked out (oh yeah, WHILE he was eating breakfast with a friend who lives like over an hour away) and naturally he got freaked out and called the neighbor. So anyway, the neighbor came over, only to find out this was a delivery guy....and shortly after, the sheriff (he insisted that I call him a sheriff,LOL, even though I considered him a cop) arrived. He told me that I did the right thing and apologized for taking so long to get to the house (I mean, this mad delivery guy was banging on the door for a good twenty-five minutes, no lie). All in all, I ended up okay....although I did have to explain to the cops I'm homeschooled bc they were wondering why in the world I wasn't in school,LOL. But they were REALLY nice. So yeah. Anyway, that's what made my day VERY interesting. This is long. Srry. Later,

Monday, December 3, 2007


Okay, so I have a TON of flour and frosting on my shirt. Why? Bc today was my oldest bro's 20th b-day. Yeah, I honestly can't believe he's 20. Amazing stuff. But really, it's hillarious bc what I'm wearing right now does NOT match the homebody-flour-type girl look. Okay, so I'm wearing all black. A black see-through jersey sort of dress shirt with a white longsleeve shirt underneath and black jeans with jewels on the back pockets. Oh yeah, and black earrings and my black necklace. And I tried the "smoky-eyed" know, the black eyeliner with gray eyeshadow. And the flour right in the middle of my shirt. Very emo/punk. All the way,LOL. So yeah. Today was pretty busy. I had a dentist appointment. I thought that maybe my wisdom teeth were starting to grow in. But no, the dentist informed me that my 12-year-old molars might be JUST starting to grow. Yay for me.....the short little late-bloomer. No wonder I look like I'm twelve. I DON'T EVEN HAVE IN MY PERMANENT MOLARS! Other than that, I really don't have much to complain about. Today was an awesome day. And so was yesterday. I went to a party that a girl from my youth group was hosting at her house. It was pretty fun. Anyway, NM else to write about. Later,

Friday, November 30, 2007

This blog is pretty much my diary...

Okay, I DO still write in my diary, and much more personal stuff, but seriously, it is just like my diary,LOL. Okay, that was random. Anyway, today was a 4 hour piano day about to turn into a 6 hour piano day bc I played 2 hours at the hospital, 2 hours at the coffee house and I'm gonna try to practice another 2 hours tonight. My back is sorta sore....and my hands are about to fall off,LOL. Playing went well, except this lady who sorta got me mad. She came up to me and she was like, "How old are you?" I was like, "Fifteen." She was like, "OOh! We thought that you were 12!" I thought,'Thanks alot.....I ALWAYS get that compliment.' Then she goes on to ask me is this for school, and shouldn't I be in school at that time. I was like,"Well, I'm volunteering, so it's not like I'm in trouble or anything." to which she responded, "Oh, I never said you were in trouble." I felt like snapping back with, 'Duh, I never said I was either. SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!' but I quickly realized that that wouldn't have been a good testimony, PLUS I prbly wouldn't be able to volunteer anymore,LOL. Then I got my hepatitis B shot and ugh, it made me realize why I hate shots. The nurse was like, "I really enjoyed you PLAYING today!" Okay, so she didn't shout. But the way she pounded the needle into my arm sure accented the word play. And then while I was sitting in the car waiting for my parents to come out of the coffee house, I saw my old gymnastics coach. Second time since I quit. Sigh. Yeah, it was two years ago. But their mean comments haunt me daily. I seriously felt like jumping out of the car and saying,"Do you have ANY idea what you've stuck in my mind and heart? It's like an endless tape recorder, telling me to do a bajillion things I shouldn't do. You've caused me to battle SO MANY things because of your stupidity." Yet again, that'd be disrespectful and since she doesn't speak English too well, she'd probably just stand there and stare at me...which would make me more upset. So yeah, I've been a little on edge today. Okay, now I'm gonna share a song that I wrote last night (yeah, I know, this is a LONG post).

What It Takes (Opposites attract)

It takes courage to say I'm afraid
It takes strength to say I'm weak
It takes love to say I'm brokenhearted
It takes a sense of direction to know I'm lost
It takes the richest spirit to say I'm poor
It takes maturity to realize I'm immature
It take beauty to say I'm ugly without You Lord
It takes faith to ask You to help me with my unbelief

It takes trials so say now I'm joyful
It pain to say I'm no longer hurt
It takes sickness to say I'm healed
It takes heartbreak to say You've made me whole

It took the King of Heaven to serve us here on earth
It took a virgin girl to give our Saviour birth
It took our perfect Lord to take away our sin
It took for Him to be killed so that we can live

Kay, that's all. Later,

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Piano, New beginnings

Well, today my piano arrived at the house! It sounds beautiful. Really. It has such a rich tone. You could actually feel it through the floor....and my mom said it sounded like a sterio upstairs,LOL. Cool stuff, cool stuff. I absolutely love it. And for the first time in ages, when my mom wanted to sing with me, I actually agreed. It was pretty cool. I played piano and sang while my mom sang.....and then we started laughing SO HARD because it was hard for me to read the lyrics AND play piano on 'Oh, holy night', so my mom started saying the lyrics before I was supposed to sing them. I told her it sounded like gospel music. Yeah, besides singing in church, I honestly can't remember singing hymns without laughing. And today, I have SERIOUSLY been I haven't been for about 6 months. It's funny, I'm sorta feeling like a new person. And I'm not exactly sure why. Other than the Lord is changing me during what can sometimes feel like very difficult trials. And today, as I was playing some hymns, I thought about how good the Lord has been to me. I had so much sickness as a baby and I wasn't supposed to be able to do like anything. It's ironic that although I was supposed to be deaf (not to mention the bajillion other diagnosis I had), the Lord has blessed me with the gift of music. I mean, of all things! And I'm very grateful for that. And I'm reminded of James 1:2-4 shich says,
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." Yeah. I've been very spiritually encouraged. Later,

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Beauty From Pain

I absolutely LOVE this song. Whenever I'm down, it gives me a lift. And reminds me that through every trial I face (whether I see it or not), the Lord is perfecting me.

Friday, November 16, 2007

After my birthday....

Well, my birthday was on Wednesday and it was pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Okay, my parents had TOTALLY surprised me. First off, we left the house around 10 and my mom was rushing me because of an apparent picture that I was supposed to have taken. So, we went to Target and I got a bajillion poses in.....and we ended up on deciding on the face shot. Then, we drove into the cities and I had NO idea where we were going. I sota guessed Mall of America because I had wanted to go there. But my parents had something MUCH MUCH better planned. We went to Schmitt Music! They took me piano shopping! So now instead of my spinnet, I will have a 6 foot 7 inch grand piano to play on with REAL IVORY KEYS!! I was really really really really really really.......really really happy!!! The piano should arrive at my house sometime next week. So I'm SOOO excited....and my parents are too, which makes it all even better! My mom even assured me that it's MINE and that once I leave, if I say I want to keep it in my house when I get older, I can take it. If I want to sell it (which I don't think I ever will because ivory keys were outlawed after like 1980 or something and the chance of me getting another grand with ivory keys is sorta slim), I can sell it. Talk about generous!Then, we came home, ate pepper steak (which I requested) and watched Ratatouille. It was a really good movie! Like the best G rated movie I've seen in my life. My second oldest brother even sent me a gift in the mail! He said it was so that he wouldn't forget that I turned 15 (last year he kept saying I was 13 until like the summer) which was really sweet. My oldest brother also got me a gift......and I have to say, that was pretty much my best birthday ever. Anyway, I better get offline because I have a piano theory test tomorrow (which I hate....I've failed two in the past two years....I'll pray about it). Later,

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

my parents teased me about this song tonight...had to post it

My mom pulled out this scholarship book and she saw a scholarship for legal midgets....and suggested that I apply for it. The night before my birthday!! LOL, hee hee. I laughed when I heard it though.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I'm so wishy, washy, squishy, squashy....

Okay, like a month ago, I was absolutely POSITIVE that I wanted to be a camp counselor for a middle school, I talked to a friend from camp and I'm not so sure!! She asked me if I'd be able to practice and I was like,"Um.....I don't know......" and I mean, if I don't practice for three months, I will seriously suck when I come back home. I mean, since I've been playing piano, there have probably only been like five times I can think of where I just didn't practice piano for a whole week. And after just one week, I would suck. Sigh. mom mentioned music camps again. Which i certainly wouldn't mind doing. I just don't know of any other really good music camps other than Interlochen and Tanglewood (a camp in Boston). And I heard that Tanglewood is extremely difficult to get, I guess that I'm back to not totally knowing what I'll do next summer.....sigh.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Okay......yeah, I'm still sick. And it REALLY sucks. Anyway.....lately I've been doing some quilting stuff. At first, I was just gonna make a quilt for myself. But when my mom and I went shopping for MY quilt material, I found some that was blue, which matches Aaron's room. So I'm making him a quilt for Christmas. And then my parents suggested also making a quilt for Josh. So yeah. I'm done with the front part of Aaron's quilt. It took me about four days to complete which really surprised me because at first, I was thinking that it'd take me like until Christmas to complete. But I guess that it just depepnds on how I prioritize my yeah. And then I'm SOO NERVOUS because Lord-willing tomorrow, I'm playing piano at a coffee house in Hudson. And I'm freaking out for three reasons. One, I'm still sick and I usually suck when I'm sick. Two, I haven't been practicing my "coffee house" songs and the owner said that on a normal Friday, there are around 40 people at the coffee house (and on top of that, my dad has invited some of his old co-workers to come and they told their basically, the news spread around the plant). Three, and most importantly, THE PEDAL ON MY BROTHER'S KEYBOARD DOESN'T WORK!! And I have to use the pedal for like EVERY SINGLE SONG!! AAGGGHH!! I'm so freaking out. I guess that I just need to pray about it. Oh, and I found out that I have to have MORE needlework done (a.k.a. SHOTS) to volunteer for the hospital. The lady who drew my blood was like, "The worst part about volunteering is you come in to sacrifice your time, and we're all like 'First we have to get yer blood! Mwa ha ha!'" I TOTALLY agreed. Anyway.......yeah, there's not much else to write about. Later,

Monday, November 5, 2007's been a while......., where to start? I've been pretty busy these past few days. Okay. First, I HAVE to write about last Sunday. I went to the Conservatory's concert/party thing. They were short on volunteers for the haunted house. So guess who volunteered? Yup, that's right, mwa. And I found out that I can't scare little kids. I'd scream, and they would just stare at me. I tried to scare this little girl and her dad screamed like he was scared, and then she looked behind the door and just stared at me. Her dad laughed. I decided that that was the last straw. If I can't scare a little four year old, what's the point? I was really embarrassed........So yeah. And then today. Half of my blood is gone. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but I went to the hospital to fill out paper work to volunteer (although I felt like I should've been there to get a prescription for my cold that refuses to go away). My mom told me that I'd hafta take a tuberculosis test this afternoon. THIS AFTERNOON! I was mad. She said it would only be a little prick. Yeah, that's what they ALL say. So I went. And after I filled out the paper work I found out that they also had to draw my blood. Nice, huh? THREE VIALS OF BLOOD! So yeah. My mom said that I still have blushed cheeks so I couldn't have lost THAT much blood (I was throwing a fit while I was in the hospital). I reminded her that it was all fake and that it was due to my makeup. Anyway.......I hafta go. Later,

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Oh crap.....

Sigh. One of my beloved camp friends told me that you actually LOSE points (yeah, the quarter of a point I was talking about) if you fill in the wrong answer. So like, you don't get any points for the wrong answer plus you lose 1/4 of a point. Sigh. Now I feel like a TOTAL loser. Oh gosh.....sigh. But hey, there's always that twenty-percent chance that I chose the CORRECT answer.....(yes, I will still be an optimist....). Now I will drown in my shocking sorrow.......*sniffle sniffle*. Later,


Okay, a perfect score on the PSAT is 1200 is like 75%.

I have taken the PSAT. I am done with the PSAT.

It wasn't that bad, really. At least I don't THINK that it was. And I mean, really, the WORST you can possibly do is get 75% on the whole thing (I think that on the PSAT that's 180) because if you get the wrong answer on a question, you only lose a quarter of a point. Well, I guess that if you omit tons of questions, then you might not do so well. And then on the grid-ins, if you just write any number on the grid, you don't lose any points! I already knew all that before the test though (thanx to Kaplan Review's PSAT preparation stuff), so it sorta calmed me down. And there were like two questions on the gri-in thing that I didn't know how to like work them out and stuff, but I just wrote in some random number, knowing that I'll get full credit for just filling in the blank! Isn't that so darn sweet? Yeah......anyway, on Monday, I have a meeting with another coffee house at like 9 in the morning.......I'm both nervous AND excited,LOL. And I'm still debating about what to wear for the Conservatory's Halloween party/concert. I seriously wanna go as a princess, but I'm supposed to scare little kids........I mean, I'm not so sure that I can scare them anyway, but I most definately WON'T if I dress like a princess,LOL. Maybe I'll just go as a corpse or something......throw on a bunch of green foundation...or blue neutragena facial cream. My mom said that she'd buy me a pumpkin costume (um, yeah right. There is absolutely NO WAY that I'll be a big round orange ball with a green face for Halloween. GROSSO!!!) Okay, this post is getting REALLY long. Later,

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Yay, it's on Saturday!!

Yay, I have until Saturday to study for it! Gosh, I'm rly not totally looking forward to it.Plus I'll be the "homeschooler" that nobody knows. Sigh. I HOPE that one of my old friends is gonna be there.......sigh. Anyway......I'm working on Christmas piano pieces. Today I started working on Charlie Brown Christmas songs. They're all so awesome!! Seriously, it's SO MUCH FUN to improvise!! That is when I can actually get the hang of improvising,LOL. Other than that not much else is new. OH!! Yeah, my mom called a couple more coffee shops so.....I'm prbly gonna be playing at coffee houses more often! YAY! LOL, Later,

Friday, October 12, 2007


Oh my GOSH!! I TOTALLY 4got that the PSAT is next WEDNESDAY!! Or maybe it's next Thursday........I CAN'T REMEMBER!! AND I'VE BARELY EVEN STUDIED!!! Oh gosh.....this rly sux.......

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I didn't create the wishes vid.....

Just thought that I'd let u guys know that I didn't create the wishes vid,LOL. Anyway.........I'm starting to think of what I wanna do next summer bc the application process starts soon for performing arts camps and I'm thinking that next summer I'll pass on a music camp and I'm thinking that I wanna be a camp counselor for a Christian middle school camp. Don't get me wrong here though. Camp this summer was a WONDERFUL experience. I don't think that I wrote about any of the positive elements of Interlochen's camp (a fun cabin, the great Bible study & church services, the Melody Freeze, the great teaching faculty, etc., etc..... the list could go on for like ever), but I just think that I sorta want an actual job next summer. Anyway, this post is TOTALLY random. Later,

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I like this song alot too, but not as much as Wishes

I LOVE this song SO MUCH


Okay, I have a HUGE question. What is the best type of guitar to get? I mean, I thiknk that all of you guys know which types of guitars are the best.....and I was thinking accoustic......but I'm starting to wonder if electric guitars are like way better or something. Okay, I'll explain exactly WHY I want a guitar. Naturally, I prbly don't seem like a person that just likes to fiddle around on instruments, but as I've been practicing piano more, I've created more and more songs....and I've once again started praying about trying to get in the record business. Yeah, I have been for the past like 7 years, but of course I was like too young and stuff. And now my parents are actually thinking that I should really pray about it. So I've written a few songs........and pulled some hymns that aren't very popular out of the hymn book. So.........after that long explanation, any ideas? Any input? Any suggestions,LOL? Thanx. Later,

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Sigh. Well, I really do have TONZ of piano stuff to do. I'm working on a bunch of new pieces for the coffee house. Plus, I have two new pieces from piano lessons and a new Sonata for accompanying the recorder trio thingymabob at the Saint Paul Conservatory of Music. Yeah. And then competition season is coming up so......I have tons of new music to memorize for that. And then I'm thinking and praying about entering this International competition. It takes place in Minneapolis, but it is and international competition and the grand prize is $8,000 and a trip to NYC to perform with an orchestra. Actually, there are up to 5 places. And if you get a first through fifth prize, you get a trip to NYC and you get to perform with the orchestra, but the money gets lessened each placement downwards you go (does that make any sense..........?). So yeah. Basically for the next month, I need to eat, sleep, live, and breathe piano. Which means that my computer time will be lessened and lessened. And I'll hafta get up quite a bit earlier. Sigh. But like Philipians 4:13 says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And the Lord will work everything out according to his plan and purpose. He's the Pilot of my life; I'm just going along for the ride. And I know that I can totally trust that whether I win all of the competitions in the world or if I never win another one, He'll always love me for who He's made me. And that means that there isn't any pressure on me. It's not about my performance. It's about what I do with my performance. Do I try to exalt myself? Or can others see Christ in me? Well, IDK how often I'll be on here for the next few weeks so.........hasta luego. Sincerely,
Rachel Gilbert

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Hi. I'm bored. And IDK what to write. Sigh.

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm so dead

LOL, Okay, I was alive on September 7th. Now, I'm totally dead because I ran at least 6 if not 7 miles today. Talk about tired. I ran for half an hour around River Falls right after piano lessons, and for a full hour at home this evening. I'm SO SORE. Oh gosh.........okay, that's my post for today.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Okay, my last post was an accident. I pushed the tab key too many times. But I am still alive.............and, yeah. Um, there really isn't a whole lot to post about other than I'm SO GLAD that I removed this creepy guy from camp who kept following me EVERYWHERE on main camp off of my friends list on facebook. He had wanted me to have an online relationship with him (WHAT THE HECK!! I BARELY EVEN KNEW HIM)so...yeah. And then one of my cabinmates said that he asked her to have an online relationship (that creep.......). So yeah. Why am I even posting this? Oh yeah, because there isn't anything else to write about. Um......I'm working on like 5 Chopin Nocturnes right now.......hopefully I'll have them ready in like a month. And then I'm working on some Debussy Preludes. So.......that's pretty much it. THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO WRITE ABOUT!!! Oh, other than I'll be doing a string trio thing in a couple of weeks at the St. Paul Conservatory of Music. YAY!! Later,


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Post on camp

Okay, so.......I'm back. Camp was awesome. I learned alot musically. All except two of my cabinmates were absolutely awesome. They were like the sisters that I'd never had........except for the fact that they were unbelievers. I did have to put up with alot of the gay stuff. I ended up getting in quite a few arguments involving gays and abortion. And I was really dissapointed that three of my straight guy friends were gay by the end of camp (well, one became bi.......but that's the same thing to me; it's all sinful and unnatural). And my guy friends who weren't gay were pretty much all perverts. I guess that those were the only two types of guys at camp.......pervs or gays. And then the cursing. Yeah, on main camp, during class, and in my cabin, I heard cursing. Eventually I just got over it (sort much as you can), but I still didn't curse. But despite all of that, I had a wonderful experience. There were alot of people there who had heard the gospel......but most of those people rejected what they'd heard and were either atheists or agnostics. Okay, now for the fun side. There were plenty of co-recs to go to. I have to say that capture the flag was the funnest. It was in the woods (and DEEP could get lost if you weren't careful). And there were like two beach parties that I went to. They were really fun. I didn't get swimmer's itch either!! The first one was really really fun. And celebrating my cabinmate's birthdays was fun bc we would have cabin night....basically we could stay up and talk. And most nights we did that anyway........but we had to whipsper on most nights. THe cafeteria food did suck.....but we could order take out basically whenever (my cabin did 4 times). We had line up at 6:45 every morning and inspection for our cabin chores at 8:30 every morning except Sundays. One morning there was this thing called LSP (lost swimmer's procedure) and the high school girls were supposed to participate when it happened......but they weren't going to tell us when it happened. It's like this thing where you jump in the lake and search for a dead body (this one was just a drill) and the first like 15 girls out of all 375 of us HSG's had to jump in. 6:30 in the morning, they had the LSP. So while we were sleeping, these sirens went off, and guess who got down to the beach fairly quickly? ME. my pajamas at 6:30 a.m., I climbed into the water and got sopped, IN my pajamas. Yeah, it was miserable. One girl was crying while we were doing it. So yeah. And then on the first day of camp, I started to pass out. Yeah. Well, this is long and I G2G. So........yeah, I'll talk to you guys later!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Hey. Um, I'm back from camp.........I feel totally different than I did when I left. IDK if that's good or bad,LOL. I guess that I'm not as innocent as I was,LOL. But yeah. Camp was great. I made TONZZZZ of new friends. So yeah. I guess that I'll just write more tomorrow. There is SOOO much to write about. Seriously, u guys need to get a facebook. I'll probably be posting alot of my thoughts and stuff on there from now on so......yeah.Facebook ROX!! K, Later,

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Okay, okay, so I DID end up posting ALOT more posts today than I thought that I'd have time for,LOL. I'm really busy cooking today (chocolate mousse pie, oatmeal raisin cookies, poundcake....yum,LOL) but I guess that I found time to post some more stuff,LOL. Anyway.......I posted some more pictures of me and Samson...I think that they're better than the last ones,LOL. Well.....I guess that I better get going. I'm gonna probably post AT LEAST one more music video, and so yeah. This is like probably my last post other than the music vids. I hope that you guys have a great summer!! :p Until August,

I LOVE THIS SONG!! Typical - Mute Math

Awakening by Switchfoot

This will probably be my last post until August...sniffle sniffle

Wow. Well, I guess that I'll write MOST of what I have to say right now bc today is gonna be REALLY busy. I'm like excited and sad at the same time. I'm totally gonna miss Samson (sniffle sniffle). And....yeah, I'm gonna miss everything else too. At the same time, I'm excited because I know that I'm gonna learn A TON while I'm at camp. I'm also really excited about taking the choral elective. I love to sing It'll be really cool. And then I looked at my schedule again. Even without extra practice time, I'll be playing for FIVE HOURS A DAY! I know that I'm probably not going to be able to get on the computer very much when I get home because my hands will be SO SORE,LOL. And then of course meeting SO MANY new people from across the world will be SO EXCITING!! But I'll need alot of prayer bc I know that I'm going to be engulfed in a secular environment and....I always have such a difficult time NOT compromising. It seems like alot of the time I care more about pleasing people than pleasing God. And I can't be like that. My focus while at camp HAS to be to honor and glorify Christ. So......I guess that that's my last post. Oh wait, I have a verse to post too:
This is in Ecclesiastes 3:
To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace.

Going to camp this summer will be one very special and unique season of my life. Later,

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Okay, so now mom has me WILLINGLY going on this cleaning spree. I'm going to organize ANOTHER cabinet. I seem to get this huge high and thrill of satisfaction when I organize something,LOL. I lame,LOL. But I guess that it's better than just staying on the computer 24/7. Anyway........I guess that I'm really excited 4 camp and all......but at the same time, I'm TOTALLY gonna miss everything at home. Gosh, even though my mom and my brother are going to be at camp, I just know that I'm not going to see them much. I'll see my mom once a day at dinner time and that's pretty much it. Then I'll see Josh like here and there but he'll be so busy controlling all of the little kids (he has some of the 8-12 year old boys) that we won't be able to spend much time together. And I won't be able to go to his cabin bc they are SO STRICT on the girls and boys/guys staying on different sides of the camp like for cabins and stuff at least. Or so I think........okay, anyway, and then I'm gonna miss Samson SO MUCH....and...gosh, it's gonna be so weird. And......I'm gonna miss everyone,LOL. And everyTHING about Wisconsin,LOL. I know, it's only 6 weeks and I'm acting like it's a lifetime,LOL. Anyway..........back to organizing the cabinets. Later,

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


K, I put a couple of pics of me and Samson at the bottom of the page. They aren't too great (1. bc the'yre taken in the shade, 2. bc my hair's frizzy, and 3. bc u can't even tell that I spent like 20 minutes getting ready for them,LOL....I know, I'm lame). Well, hope that u guys think that they're okay,LOL. Btw, I was gonna post a vid of me doing a roundoff backhandspring on the grass, but it wouldn't upload (drats,LOL). Well, there isn't much else to write about,LOL. Later,

The pirates who don't do anything (I am the pirate who doesn't do anything,LOL)

FINALLY something to do

Wow. After complaining for over a week about not having anything to do, mom finally put me to work. Today I have to organize the spice cabinet AND the tupperware cabinet (btw, I HATE organizing the tupperware cabinet........mainly because the moment I organize it, someone tips over a tupperware container and the domino effect happens and the WHOLE CABINET gets all messed up...grrr). I THINK that my mind is finally coming back to me. Sort of. Yesterday I had another "no brainer" moment. I was look through a magazine and I saw the word "unanimous" and I was reading it as if it was a foreign language (you know, like "gosh, what is this word? Un a...ani..animous? Is this French?") until I realized that it was actually a word that I knew,LOL., this post is rly lame,LOL. Later,

Friday, June 8, 2007

Awkwardly wonderful

Gosh. Today has been so busy and so awkward.........but awkwardly wonderful. I sitll haven't completely finished getting packed 4 camp. Which I really need to do, seeing that I'm leaving out next Saturday. I was able to do another roundoff backhandspring today too! Wow. It's been a great day. Kay, now I bet I sound like a nutcase. So I'll just stop typing bc I honestly don't know what to write,LOL. Later,

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Oh my gosh. This week is going by WAY too fast!! I forgot that it's Wednesday!! YIKERS!! So I only have 9 days left for camp!! And two days left be4 piano lessons! Gosh........I really need to get practicing,LOL. Well, today's been sorta boring. I mean, it's too cold to do any stunt stuff outside (and it's way too wet). And so.......gosh, I honestly don't know what I've done all day. BUT IT'S ALREADY 4:30!! AAAHHH!! Oh well. I guess that I COULD clean my room (it looks like a tsunami has swept through it,LOL). I REALLY want it to warm up!! And I sorta want time to go by slower too,LOL!! Oh yeah. And for camp, I'm going to TRY to smuggle my phone....hopefully then I'll be able to text message,LOL. Six weeks without a phone OR e-mail OR text messaging is a nightmare!! I mean, I CAN send letters, but......that just seems so.......IDK. Impersonal or something. K, I guess that I better get going. Hopefully it'll be warmer tomorrow. Later,

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Excitied 4 camp

Gosh. I am SOOOO excited 4 camp!! Only 1 week and five days away!! WHOO HOO!! Well, today I'm not such a..........dork,LOL. IDK wat to write. Hm.........okay, well, I guess that I have to admit.......I miss school,LOL. It's like right now I am SO BORED!! And I honestly don't know why. I mean, yesterday was the first day since SV started that I didn't go anywhere!! And I'm going shopping 2day. SO........I guess that I'm just a complainer,LOL. But I'm sorta tempted to work on more geometry. I honestly don't know why. I absolutely HATE geometry.....but I'm so bored that I'm willing to work on it. Gosh......I'm such a dork. BTW, right now I'm listening to Burn for You by TobyMac.And I'm not going emo. I was just really down yesterday,LOL. And when I get down......I get REALLY down and start listening to either really soft rock or really hard rock......and then I just cry,LOL. So like I already said yesterday, that post was REALLY lame. Well, I guess that I'm just gonna bore myself with either doing geometry or surfing the net. Later,

Monday, June 4, 2007

Wake up

Gosh. I totally need to wake up. Or get real. Or get a life. Or......or something. I'm listening to wake up by everyday Sunday. Okay, now I'm listening to dare you to move by switchfoot. I guess that today I'm just really lame. I've been crying on and off all day. Sigh. I'm so emotional that I annoy myself. It bugs me. Oh well. I guess that I'm just wired to be an emo. Sigh. Maybe I should just cut my hair and get that pixie cut after all and just streak blonde highlights in my hair,LOL. Anyway.......... gosh, this is my lamest post ever. Oh well. Later,

Saturday, June 2, 2007


Okay, so I'm listening to 'Awakening' by Switchfoot. I really need to hear that song. I totally need an awakening because I only got three hours of sleep last night. Sniffle sniffle. Then I went fishing 2day. And it was fun but.........I caught three fish which I had to put back bc they were too little. Drats. Then I drank a caffeine free coke on my way home which really didn't help me at all. I feel like I'm just walking in a haze or sumthing,LOL. Gosh, It is SO GOOD to not have to worry about homework,LOL!! K, I'm going to either watch tv or I'm gonna start packing 4 camp. Or I'll just surf youtube and listen to Awakening by switchfoot over and over again and then listen to something beautiful by the Newsboys.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

School is OVA!!


Friday, May 25, 2007

Well, I'm SO excited 4 the school year to be over!! My brain is just about fried from so much school work ~ : ),LOL. And I am SOOO excited for camp too!! One of my electives is choir, so I'm TOTALLY looking forward to that. I just LOVE choral singing (even though I totally suck at it) but maybe they'll just do some major surgery on my vocal chords to get them working right,LOL. I am listening to courage by superchick right now. It's a GREAT song. Right now I feel TOTALLY random,LOL. Oh yeah. And I just made an angel food cake that looks like a really thick pancake with a big hole in the middle,LOL. The only angel food cake I've made that's ever turned out right is a boxed Betty Crocker one,LOL. Oh gosh,LOL. I feel so ..............IDK, so .......SOMETHING right now,LOL. Oh, now I'm listening to Gone by Toby Mac. It's a GREAT song.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I love spring

Oh gosh. I totally love spring. Mainly because I love playing in the hose. And because..........IT'S WARM LIKE CALIFORNIA,LOL!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Oh gosh. I seriously don't know what to write. Oh yeah.........BLAKE MADE IT TO FINALS ON AMERICAN IDOL! WOOO HOO!! Aw yeah, LOL. Anyway, I better get going to bed, seeing that I only got like 3 or 4 hours of sleep last night,LOL. Later,

Monday, May 14, 2007

What to Write?

Okay, I honestly don't have a clue what I should write about. I haven't written on here for a long time. Hm.......okay, Josh is home. Which is great. Now I finally have someone to laugh with at dinner time and have those awkward discussions with at night,LOL. I'm really going to try to not waste away this summer by chatting on the phone for five hours at a time. Of course, I'll be gone at camp for six weeks so....I'll only have like 6 weeks at home. But last summer, which was my last summer with Josh still in high school, I totally wasted away. Now everything is different. I mean, he's still my brother and all, but there's more of a sense of age difference. I guess that it used to seem like we were both like the same age or something. But one thing that I do appreciate more is our awkward convo's. Now they're not so awkward. He constantly reassures me that I'm fine the way that I am, and when I'm down, he has PLENTY of Scripture to encourage me with. Anyway, I told mom that I'd be in bed an hour ago (which never happens). So......I better get in bed, although I'll probably finish up some homework still. Later,

Sunday, May 6, 2007

CRUD! The link didn't paste!! Oh well. Later,

K, whatever, so I wasted a post. I'll just paste a link to the site. Two of the lyrics are bad, but the rest are just so........dumb,LOL. It makes me wonder what type of education these song-writers received as a child,LOL.Here's the link:

Okay, I'm gonna see if this will like past onto my site. If not, then I've just wasted a Post,LOL.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Well, today Dokime (my school) went to the Art Museum. I was SO TOTALLY EMBARRASSED! I tripped once and I FELL once! Oh gosh, I was SO embarrassed. And what makes it worse is that my mom told me not to wear my high heels. Rats. AND what makes it EVEN worse is that now I have four blisters on my toes. OW! And my feet hurt REALLY bad. So yeah. ANYWAY..................sigh. It's so rainy outside. And as soon as I got home, I had to take Samson outside. And I tripped SIX TIMES! Gosh, today is seriously the clutziest day of my LIFE! Sigh. ANYWAY.........I better practice piano because the past two days, I haven't practiced AT ALL. Sad. And totally not cool. K, Later,

Thursday, May 3, 2007

I told my mom that I should try out for the modeling auditions!!'s too late. Oh well. I'll see another audition letter like that come in the mail in about another 100 years, LOL. Here's my results:

YES! It totally worked! But I am SO not getting a pixie cut. EW! My hair is short enough as it is and I'm trying to grow it out! The quiz is so wrong,LOL.
K, I have no idea if this is gonna work, but I'm going to try to paste a quiz that I took on to this blog. Here goes nuttin'.


Wow. YES! ANOTHER WEEKEND! Wow. I just love weekends. Sit back. Relax. And watch t.v. (seeing that I have VERY little homework this weekend which is extremely unusual.......oh crud. I forgot that I have a Greek test). Okay, so.........I'll rewrite this whole thing. Wow. YES! ANOTHER WEEKEND! Wow. I just love weekends. Sit back. Relax. And cram for a Greek test over two chapters that I don't even understand. FUN!! Sigh. It NEVER ends. Oh well. After this year, only three more years until I'm done. Possibly two if I can somehow manage to get enough credits for school. Sounds lovely. But in the near future.........JOSH IS COMING HOME NEXT FRIDAY! Oh gosh! SO COOL! Once he gets home, I can start biking on the road (since I'm not allowed to right now because.......well........anyway....) so I'm SOOOO excited! Anyway.....gosh. I ALWAYS feel like I'm writing in my diary when I write in one of my blogs. And I have seven of them. Life's rough,LOL. PLUS count in writing in my diary and e-maling friends..........the coolest stuff becomes not-so-cool anymore,LOL. Oh well. GTG. Later,

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Oh MY GOSH! I got a new bike today and it is seriously so hot! At least to me. It's light blue and........oh gosh. I love it!Thank God for my parents..............they always sacrifice so much for me! Seriously, when you tell your parents that you can't go fast enough with your bike, who would expect them to just drive you into town and get a bike that very same day? Hm.........only my parents. Seriously, I love my parents. K, gotta study for a Biology test. Later,

Monday, April 30, 2007


So it's Monday. And I have quite a bit of homework to do. And I left my geometry book at school. And I have a geometry lesson to do. I am SO not smart. Oh well. So I have to do most of my homework tonight because I have piano lessons tomorrow. And I won't have much time tomorrow. Sigh. So........why did I write this? Because I have to get going on my homework. Later,


Saturday, April 28, 2007

On Postmodern Times

Okay, so I'm supposed to read this book called Postmodern Times. I don't completely agree with everything. I mean, the author is attacking arts! What the heck! But hey, everyone has their different view on things. He's supposed to be a Christian author but........he doesn't really use any Bible verses to support his writing. Definately not cool. But I have to read it. And I have to at least pretend that I enjoy it......alot,LOL. So yeah. This is a dumb post but it's the only thing that I have to write about,LOL.

Nothing new..........

Okay. So where to start? There's absolutely NOTHING to write. Hm.......k, so I have tonz of homework to do. EXCITING! NOT. Sigh. Hm........whatever, I'll just write one of my songs that I wrote last year:


Who am I? Why am I even here?
Is there anyone who can see each falling tear?
"I have the answer", is what psychiatrists will say
But they'll only give you pills, never tell you to pray
You are here to honor Jesus Christ your Maker
Not to be a doctor, lawyer, or even the best baker
Medicine is not the answer, nor self-esteem
The point of even breathing is to follow Christ's lead

'I hate myself', you often cry as you look at your reflection
'I'm too fat, I'm too thin', you're looking for perfection
Maybe these next few words will help you through
God doesn't look for outer but inner to make you new

'What's the point? I wanna die', you say in anger
But death won't help you, it'll only bring you danger
God's the only One who can take your burden off
Not the ones who point at you and often even scoff

Friday, April 27, 2007

Okaya, here a goes ma thurd....wait, uh, sixth uh blog thangy ma bobber doodle. No seriously, this is my sixth one's probably gonna read it....oh well. So why did I name this 'life that exists beyond what I can comprehend'? Because........I know that there is so much more to life than what I see right now. And I love the verse Psalm 139: 16 which says, "Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me when as yet there were none of them. " God sees what I don't. I honestly don't understand how He's taking me where I'm going but........nonetheless, I'm going,LOL. Does that make sense? Whatever. Well, here's my first blogspot blog (although I have a xanga blog, and a facebook, and.....okay, a bunch of blogs that no one ever reads,LOL). So whoever looks at this blog, please realize first that I am a Christian. And I hope that my online blog expresses that. Later,