Friday, December 14, 2007

okay, last post was B-O-R-I-N-G (sorta like this one,LOL)

Well, I've been busy for the past couple of days (a very good busy). Yesterday I played at the hospital (AND met the anonymous guy who sent me a Thank You card...he's really nice) and got offered a job as a piano teacher (which my mom turned down...:( ) . After that, my mom and I came home in just enough time for me to get in an argument with her (I claimed the shirt I was wearing was too big and I wanted to switch...) and finally we settled on my rabbit fur jacket. Then we went to my recital with the St. Paul Conservatory. The vocalist (also a vocal teacher)that I was accompanying with the recorder sang just gorgeously! I mean, I'm a soprano, but she actually has VOLUME unlike me.....LOL. Then I went to Wal-Mart and got mad becuase I had to jump to reach this "Welcome Home" balloon for Josh on the top shelf, and there was this guy in the isle and when I said "Excuse me," and jumped up, he laughed. SO MEAN,LOL. And then I found out that having three guys under the age of 20 for cashiers help me night doesn't exactly work too well....Anyway, I'm pretty tired. Later,


Sola Gratia said... are always so busy! LOL, so did you finally get the balloon.

Your Conscience said...

i think you intended a question mark at the end of the last question, but yes rachel, you do need to slow down and relax a but i supose being busy can also be a good thing too, i mean, its a lot better than being bored....

pianochick_92 said...

Yes, I did end up getting the balloon,LOL....and really, I love being busy! And over Christmas break, I think I'll have enough time to relax,LOL.

madscientist said...

you really do have an exciting life! lol, mine is sorta lame....hmmm

Your Conscience said...

hey madsci, at least you have a, im stuck at home year oh well, its not so bad........ ;-)

pianochick_92 said...

Yeah, Andrew, I bet that your life is pretty exciting,LOL. At least you can drive.....LOL.(okay, invalid point,LOL)

Your Conscience said...

the ability to drive is NOT an invalid point! lol, he can (but doesnt usually) go places without us as long as he has the free time to do it and the desire to spend gas money.........i cant wait till i get my licens.....