Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wow. YES! ANOTHER WEEKEND! Wow. I just love weekends. Sit back. Relax. And watch t.v. (seeing that I have VERY little homework this weekend which is extremely unusual.......oh crud. I forgot that I have a Greek test). Okay, so.........I'll rewrite this whole thing. Wow. YES! ANOTHER WEEKEND! Wow. I just love weekends. Sit back. Relax. And cram for a Greek test over two chapters that I don't even understand. FUN!! Sigh. It NEVER ends. Oh well. After this year, only three more years until I'm done. Possibly two if I can somehow manage to get enough credits for school. Sounds lovely. But in the near future.........JOSH IS COMING HOME NEXT FRIDAY! Oh gosh! SO COOL! Once he gets home, I can start biking on the road (since I'm not allowed to right now because.......well........anyway....) so I'm SOOOO excited! Anyway.....gosh. I ALWAYS feel like I'm writing in my diary when I write in one of my blogs. And I have seven of them. Life's rough,LOL. PLUS count in writing in my diary and e-maling friends..........the coolest stuff becomes not-so-cool anymore,LOL. Oh well. GTG. Later,

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