Saturday, June 2, 2007


Okay, so I'm listening to 'Awakening' by Switchfoot. I really need to hear that song. I totally need an awakening because I only got three hours of sleep last night. Sniffle sniffle. Then I went fishing 2day. And it was fun but.........I caught three fish which I had to put back bc they were too little. Drats. Then I drank a caffeine free coke on my way home which really didn't help me at all. I feel like I'm just walking in a haze or sumthing,LOL. Gosh, It is SO GOOD to not have to worry about homework,LOL!! K, I'm going to either watch tv or I'm gonna start packing 4 camp. Or I'll just surf youtube and listen to Awakening by switchfoot over and over again and then listen to something beautiful by the Newsboys.


Sola Gratia said...

I love "Something Beautiful." It's so...beautiful, lol. :)

pianochick_92 said...

Yeah.....exactly what I think LOL. I luv the chorus,LOL.